My gaze embraced the world of child          

Wydawnictwo Wriart, 
Publikacja okolicznościowa z okazji Roku Janusza Korczaka dla 
Stałego Przedstawicielstwa RP przy Biurze ONZ w Genewie 
Ilustracje i opracowanie graficzne Joanna Hrk 
Wydanie czterojęzyczne, albumowe, 
Warszawa 2012 

Wybrane wiersze

The Old Doctor`s Children

YOU were sentenced to holocaust. 
Instead of saving the CHILDREN from dying, 
You taught them to pass fearless and dignified,                                                                    DOCTOR. 
They were going in fours into FATE. 
In worn-out shoes. In shabby clothes. 
Each with its favourite toy. 

The orphaned CHILDREN, that`s it. 

One boy carried a flag. 
The other played the violin. 

You were with the children for ever, as usual. 
With heart given to each of THEM. 

You kept going and nobody stood in the way. 

The soaring steps echoed in heavens. 
On earth like frocks the shadows trailed. 
The world of my childish peers  

It was no fairy tale cottage of cake, 
with sugary gates, 
but a barrack…, 
fenced with a barbed wire, 

around it, all daisies were stamped, 
a bird`s note was drowned. 

Only the oven of the old witch 
was brought from a tale, 
with a wide grate, 
there, with waning sparks, fell 

a burning torch of a child`s life. 
I bow my pen …  

I bow my pen- 
a poets` forehead, before 
the CHILDREN of inhuman times, 
whose steps declined 
through snows and forests of Siberian grounds. 

I bow my pen- 
a poets` forehead, 
before the children whose eaglet spirits flew 
into the distance, 
who fell dead in shot clean helmets 
like stones flung into earthwork. 

I bow my pen- 
a poets` forehead, 
before the CHILDREN and their pupils of despair, 
imprisoned in barbed wire 
between the walls of cry and death. 

I bow my pen- 
a poets` forehead, 
before the CHILDREN in the minefields, 
with pendants of grenades 
and trotyl in their backpacks… 

Before the CHILDREN mourned by the world. 
Before the CHILDREN cried over by mothers, and nobody else.  
An iron bird  

It was shot down before my eyes. 
Burning inside of its own flames. 
I saw its descent. 

But it soon would arise. 
Circling in the sky. 
Eclipsing the sun. 

In its claws - white feathers and blood 
on the bow, - 

that is your dove of peace… Picasso.   

I put red and white roses 
at many a monument. 

At many of them I kneeled down 
in a puddle of tears. 
But only at a tiny one, where 
into angel a granite stone 

a white sheet burnt. 
On it instead of a lullaby 
I wrote a lament.  
Bird`s Niobe

A bird flew from over the sky- 
in its beak a flapping fly. 
The bird flew into the nest 
that a fox had ripped into shreds. 

The bird went dumb at the sight. 
The empty nest made it petrified. 
So much pain and torment dwelled in 
the small bird. 

Tears surged into a river 
within seconds, and all that turned into 
sand spilling from within its tiny eyelids. 

Open- like holding a book of fables 
                           with bright colours. 

Legible- like capital letters before your eyes. 

It is a fleeting butterfly which skimmed with its wing 
the rim of a rose petal of poetry, 
unaware of life as grey 

prose in hard cover. 
A child`s world   

My gaze embraced the world of child, 
which, from afar, looked like 
a coloured ball. 

And set against it, the world of adults 
stood like an old windmill, 
instead of grinding, 
it kept on rattling about flour. 

And a poet fighting with windmills with his pen as a sword, 
reminded of a wandering Don Quixote. 
A night heron`s distribution

The children on earth 
are given food from 
a purblind cook. 

Hence the ladle`s uneven. 
Hence a night heron`s distribution: 
One child is surfeited ,and the other 
asks for scrap. 

No need for a dish-washer with 
such eating. The hungriest will 
lick the plates clean and scrape 
the pot`s bottom leaving sheen. 
The children of the sun

Skeletons wrapped up in a black skin- 
Ribs clearly seen. 
What brims with life 
are the black mirrors of their eyes. 

The bulging bellies 
like tribal drums. 
They beat the rhythm 
with tibiae of their arms. 

The sounds of hunger. 

Only sometimes the music is disrupted 
with Red Cross signals. A lorry with 
bread, water and rice… 

To prolong the hunger`s pangs. 

Thus before our eyes day by day 
African children wilt away. 
Those black roses 
in the world`s bouquet. 
A substitute topic

They discussed heatedly, 
at an international conference, 
the issues of the children of the Third World: - 

Every 5 second a child dies of hunger. 
Undertakers can`t manage to dig up graves. 

Statistics are blatant… . 

The next day, 
this issue in the world`s press 
was clamoured out by a stain that 
a journalist on one of the participant`s 

white collar discerned. 
A nobody`s child

I know you have a mother elsewhere, 
But her image in your mind is blurred. 
Her heart is like a station lounge so bleak, 
where in a small and chilly corner you can sit. 

And I know you have a father. 
Fatherless though you`ve become. 
Now in seventh heaven, now completely down- 
he is wild. So you cannot linger by his side. 

Cry out, poet: THIS IS OUR CHILD! 
It lives here, we are on its side. 
Yet, there are the lonely ones, 
hosts of them. Help a no-one`s child. 

Little grandson, 
see the poor child in a tunnel, 
bring it light, reach out your hand, 
be a brother to it in its lonely land.  
Encounter on the road

I walked past a girl, 
looking familiar, 
No words for good morning. 
No words for goodbye. 
When I looked back, 
bewitched by her tress, 
she also looked back… 
Thus our eyes met. 
- Where have you been, mother? 
- Daughter, this voice I recognise. 
- You were a dark stain in my eyes… 

 - Where have I been? – you just asked. 

I `ve been looking at the blue clouds. 
You were looking down…on earth, like an orphan does. 
So our eyes rarely met, 
Though so close we were by our sides. 
In a Foster House

Looking through the window, 
he found a birch, and somehow his sorrow left. 

Though it was grey 
and leaning, 
for him, only the birch had a heart. 

It doesn`t master,it was made of bark. 
A little beggar 

With a white cane and dark glasses, 
a boy was standing at a shop, 
rattling his soundless 

- Faking a beggar, you little rogue! 
Your mum`s wallet is not that small – 
A security guy cried, and twisting the boy`s ear, 

told him to disappear. 

- Where is your mum?- I asked 
-He said she cleaned the house! 
and clenched a stick painted white. 
When he took off the glasses- 
my eyes were stunned 
by the blue flash of his eyes…of glass. 
Busy working parents   

He wakes up – his parents already at work. 
He falls asleep – the parents still working. 

On the table some money is left. 

Only on Sundays it stikes their minds 
they have a son. 
Their eyes are really surprised. 
How come he`s grown so fast. 

And they ask, 

Is he in the fourth or the third class.? 
To the grandson  

Don`t roll your hands like that, 
pointlessly, don`t, grandson. 

To all people open them wide up, 
as giving is a great art. 

Take my word for it, 
Everything you have in your hands, 
the staff of your fingers 
into notes of 
a joyful song will array.  
A red heart`s badge  

Son, you don`t have to wear 
this heart on your forehead 
to show off 
you threw a penny into a box. 

Everyone looks the same with a badge. 

When you`re at home, after the collection`s done 
place it in an album, someday you`ll count 
the times a sick child, for your help, - 
                                      reached his hand out. 
A picture exhibition

At an exhibition called: MY DREAM HOUSE – 
Everybody, whoever, 
could hang up their pictures. 

So they poured in thousands. 

But there was only one masterpiece 
for the public. 

It was a made-of- brick HEART, 
upon a grey paper, 
put in palette. 

With an inscription in down corner: 
House for the CHILDREN, the homeless. 
A little robot 

A friend`s parents – electronics specialists, 
sometimes joke 
that his son is a robot in a child` body. 

He is a top student. 

Doing the program encoded in his brain. 
No mind-twisting task is an obstacle for him. 
Nothing jars in his perfect mechanism.. 


By night he takes a box out of a drawer 
and…puts up a house with building blocks, 
or reads himself a goodnight fairy tale. 
A truant

In a station waiting-room 
a boy was sitting still 
like stone, and reading 
a book 
upside down. 

- Who are you waiting for? – I asked. 

-For a mate! – he replied 
and pierced me with his 
dark-blue inky eyes. 

But please pretend that you`re my mum, 
if you see an officer coming by. 
A run-over dog 

There was a grate of brakes around, 
a screech of tyres, a screaming child. 
And rose above a smell of rubber. 
Sombody`s briefcase on the ground… 

- A dog dashed in the street! 
- Surely on holiday is his master! 
- He headlong ran with red lights on! 
- With passers-by he should`ve crossed. 

Right there he lay run-over- 
before a hit car on the road. 
A flashing searchlight were his eyes. 
Like stubblefield his hair raised up. 

- A stuck-in-the-mud, move back! 
-Try helping with your tail! 

One looker threw a core. 
The hooters urged him on… 

And then a child ran up to it, 
with frightened eyes… 
 with broken leash – 

and kneeled before a lying dog. 
 A Mother`s Day bunch of wishes  

How I`d love to see you ,mother. 
Meet you one more time in life. 
But I know you won`t come down 
the stairs to me. 

Much as I hate the room in the attic, 
I went up there on Mother`s Day 
with a bunch of wishes, when on the threshold, 
you smiled brightly from the photo frame 
at me. 

In the room of your-not-there, I felt 
happy and relieved. No more suffering 
in the chest. And the walls that so much 
medicine got imbibed, now began to smell with 
flowers from my card. 
Looking for parents 

-LOOKING FOR PARENTS!- the billboards glare. Under the glaring cry – A CHILD. 
Like anyone. 
Only the tears twice as large as shooting stars 
suffused its eyes. 

As I hear the cry, 
as I look at that CHILD, 
a huge ink-tear`s dropping down, 
and… thin and flimsy letter- rivulets 
there pours my pain and splashes on the page. 
The unwinged

How many more of them, 
like Johnny the fiddler, 
were left unwinged 
He had his music plucked off 
and a violin wrenched 
by time`s wind. 

And how many of them like 
Anthony couldn`t fly high with carving 
because a gale blew harsh not in the windmills 
but straight in their eyes. 

How many Pegasus` foals 
couldn`t neigh in the nebulous fields 
because they had their wings slashed, 
and their feathers plucked for quilts. 

How many more of them… 

Many… up there on Parnassus 
there is a garden of genuine talent 
beings, watered with tears of Muses 
and no longer scourged by the wind. 
A stepmotherly world  

When Mars, fiery-eyed, 
enters his arsenal, 
the world looks at him aside. 

It doesn`t see the children of war- 
instead of books in their hands, 
they are holding hand grenades. 

The world wouldn`t see the tears and the pain, 
the children in snowstorms 
and in lethal flames. 

And they couldn`t stop the tears from falling 
for they only had their handkerchiefs 
as dams. 

Heavens hemisphere overheads, 
like umbrellas, 
kept the children safe. 
Johnny`s dream 

Johnny`s parents work hard and long hours, 
Monday, Friday, even Sunday. 
They work hard for the money 
to buy him things they lacked 
in their childhood. 

Good food, lunch at school, 
Quality clothes and shoes. 
A latest mobile, 
and obviously the newest computer. 

When they thought their son had it all, 
he cried out: It`s a teddybear I want! 
A teddy, he whispered softly, 
So that I have someone to talk to, 
and cuddle to when I want to.   
A band

I wanted to embrace Mother Earth 
but she was too big in the waist. 

I called out: People, help! 
Let`s clasp our hands like rainbow bands. 
We`ll make it together, 

Disillusion came. 

The black, the yellow, the white 
unwillingly kept their hands together tight. 
The colour of skin was the hindrance, 
and made a huge wall rise. 

But when the grown-ups left, 
all children came on running 
from every quarter and every part. 
And put their hearts together, 
as all the hearts are equal in colour. 
A Row 

The nerves are being frayed. 
The tongues are slashing themselves. 
One fist threatens another- 
I`ll beat you, beware! 

When anger knocked it about, 
the reason awakened at last. 
And stamping its foot, it called out: 
Enough of the row! Let`s talk 
ike good pals. 

Hear the heart in the breast cage, 
it`s tousled. It`s thumping like mad 
and quaking all feared and sad?  
A ladybird

- If, by mistake, you step on a ladybird- 
granny is warning me, 
Don`t say it`s such a NOTHING, 

neither having tears in the pupils, 
nor blood in the veins; 

with such a faint sparkle of life. 

Lean over a ladybird and cry, 
so that your heart is not petrified. 
What would Earth be? 

- What would earth be without the SUN, 
 without the shine of children`s eyes: 
 a dead planet lump, 
by polar night? 

- What would earth be without the SUN, 
without the warmth of a child`s smile: 
a snowball. 
And you, an icicle under a cosmic thatch, 
- Perhaps an earth would be a grain of sand 
under a child`s eyelid retained.  
Words of a child

Words of a CHILD, 
they are the foals of Pegasus. 

There`s so much lightness in their wings. 
So many twinkling sparks under the hoofs. 
And in the strands of tails such real music, 

that you could only pleat 
poems like tresses from manes. 
To a child  

You are my SUN. 
The brightest star in space. 
I am - a planet, 
without shiness, 

revolving around its axis. 

But when I track down the orbit around you, 
I light up a WORD in darkness 

with a light that`s from you rebounced. 

(c)2021, Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone

Na stronie wykorzystano ilustracje Joanny Hrk z tomów wierszy 
Karoliny Kusek pt.: "Objęłam spojrzeniem świat dziecka" i "Dzieci Marsa"