Following the heart      

Wydawnictwo Biblioteka Tematu, 
Autor rysunku na okładce: Wojciech Górka 
Redaktor: Dariusz Tomasz Lebioda 
Przekład na j. angielski Alina Jelińska-Żelazny
Warszawa 2011 

Wybrane wiersze

The message  

If we blight the SPIRIT OF CHILDHOOD inside, which enriches us and adorns,
a time will be that, with our unfeeling bodies,
we`ll become mechanical robots. 

Anthropoidal creatures, 
with no human faces. 
With a heart that cannot feel. 
And no brain`s imaginings. 

Remember ,please, these words. 
They weigh more than this book`s content. 
A way 

-Which way to take my steps, 
when a foggy screen falls and the eyes can see: 

into those high-rise buildings of concrete, 
or, into the sun-painted cottages? 

-Lay your hand on your heart. 
Make it vibrate with the most sensitive string. 
And take the steps of your life- 

 where the heart tenderly sounds. 

Open- like holding a book of fables 
                             with bright colours. 
Legible- like capital letters before your eyes. 
It is a fleeting butterfly which skimmed with its wing the rim of a rose petal of poetry, 
unaware of life as grey 

prose in hard cover. 
Friends from the garden  

There were three of us growing up in grandparents` garden: 
Azorek of the years as a puppy, 
Me of young child time, 
and Sprucie of sapling springs. 

A barking Azorek pranced about, chasing me 
round Sprucie. And Sprucie rustled happily 
shaking some dewdrops on our heads. 

But soon afterwards, as we circled the tree 
with our traces, 
Azorek - after an accident-had to stay in the 
garden ring for ever. 
I placed a stone in the centre. 

I remember the moment so well. 

Then my eyes filled with a river of tears, 
Sprucie leaned over the dog, and ….down 
at the roots, Azorek was heard barking. 

In our hearts his heart revived. 
A neighbour`s dog`s monologue

Bow-wow….a dog barked. 

I want nothing of you, master, 
just some shelter, some meal and… 
treating me well, 

like only humans will. 

As I am not merely a guard of the house, 
but a friend of yours, and your pal. 
To you I became so closely attached, 
and you- 

 kennelled me up. 
A drama of bees   

-I will myself fill up a barrel of honey, 
said a bee, buzzing. 
And man who is tempted by honey, 
will die as a punishment. 

 - A bee –keeper said to a worker bee, 
The whole hive has to plod over filling 
a barrel. And if you sting a human being, 
you will yourself be trapped in a death-ring.  
The end of the World ?

- Man ,as you all know, 
not always sculptures the earth`s effigy 
according to the minds of wisemen 
and the eyes of an artist- 

Granddad says, 
trying to give some examples. 

They prove that very soon from out of a bald head of earth, 
there will emerge an earth`s skull of stone 
with dried up sockets of rivers, 
without a single bird`s voice… 
And man… 

 -Granddad- What`s that nonsense?- I cried out. Shake off this nightmare from your eyelids. 
And paint the earth with the colours of flowers. 
And sing up the world with a skylark… 

 There will be summer on earth for ever. 
-But it`s autumn with me– granddaddy said. 
Thus, there`s a downpour of doldrums. 

The neighbours 
do not call granny – a caryatid 
or granddad- atlantes. 

They call them a neighbour buttress. 

I call them just… in Greek. 

Because they hold the sky on their shoulders 
for me. And when I break down with such fragility 
of mine, 

they lift my spirits and stand by my side. 
A holiday friend 

-He surpasses everybody in conversation- 
that`s what his father says. 
He could surely make it as a defence lawyer. 

-And mother jokes that if his son begins 
to crumble the Court of Justice walls, 
Themis will clap her ears… 
                            with her eye-band.   
A girl`s portrait 

-A wonder of nature- sighed an old painter, 
looking at a laughing girl 
with a bluebottle in her hand. 

And he hastened to the brush, 
and dipped it in a paint 

upon a grey canvas 
shed a blue tear of marvel. 
Tight-fitting trousers

My brother insisted on having them… 
He set off on the way to his friends, dressed 
in the tight-fitting trousers, and boasted about 
how much granny paid. 

Suddenly he saw granddad 

standing at a glass bottle bank, 
holding a full plastic sack, 
with bottles`necks coming out. 

This sight confused him for a while. 

I myself quickly passed by 
not to look granddad in the eyes.  
A ladybird 

- If, by mistake, you step on a ladybird- 
granny is warning me, 
Don`t say it`s such a NOTHING, 

neither having tears in the pupils, 
nor blood in the veins; 

with such a faint sparkle of life. 

Lean over a ladybird and cry, 
so that your heart is not petrified. 
A cow

It`s as colourful here as some wonderland. 
A meadow in flowers. 
What a shame that our cow, here, 
won`t graze. 

Not long but last summer, 
she went straight through a poplar way. 
With milk in her udders. 
With a dandelion on horn. 
Not long but last summer, 
we drank foamed milk. 
Now the cow-shed`s empty, 
in the manger, a red wisp of hay. 

A meadow in flowers. 
Before you see dry stacks of hay, 
on the road of poplars, I`ll show you 
                                           the prints 
 of heart-shaped hoofs left. 
A greyhorse 

A greyhorse never stamped on a ladybird. 
Never kicked a cow, when got horned. 
Never neighed away a swallow from its eggs. 
Such a horse he was. He gave way to a passing ant, 
and stepped carefully the white canes of his legs 
when his eyes were dim as a candle-end. 
He could feel with his hoofs the finest sand. 
And recognise us as if 
with spectacles` help. 
We loved riding, at a walking pace, 
on this jade of granddad`s, 
no good for a plough or a coach… 

But loving kids with a true heart.  
Two mothers  

A hen is sitting eggs for chicks. 
A potatoe shoot - for tuberies. 

Both the vegetable and 
the bird have the same joy of 

A hen is preening itself 
A potatoe shoot- 
pleats a violet flower into a plait. 

But not one life power 
both mothers have. 

A hen breathes deeply- 
after chicks are hatched. 

A potatoe shoot- withers after that. 

Rain-clouds - like homeless roams. 
Not on good terms with blue weather. 
Conquering the sky. 

All the roads lead them nowhere. 

Chased away from place to place by the wind, 
never sleep a wink. 
But when they are bored with this constant roaming- 

They trickle down raindrops into all puddles. 
A rainbow

I stare at a rainbow. 
Not a big thing…just what eyes can see. 

Seven coloured beams. 
Seven water colours, 
nothing else and that`s it. 

But still… 

It`s one of the works of art`s marvels 
painted in a cloud with a brush 
                                           of sunrays. 

I look at the blue sky. 
Storks are there. 
Such a drawing. 
such a painting, 

like that by…CHEŁMOŃSKY. 

He comes to mind. 
Our eyes link these birds 
only with this painter`s works. 
No other artist. And nobody else. 

Just like the sunflowers- 
to VAN GOGH are wed. 

A grey hare

A hare is eating a cabbage, 
and a greyhound pretends not to see. 

-Who the hell can`t see! – 
growled a hunter at the hound. 
What`s this sympathy for 
                          a grey hare? 
And the dog barked back: 
-Don`t you see that the hare 
is the only grey brain cell 
in all the patch of cabbage-pates. 
A bird 

Neither ploughs 
 nor sows… 
Yet it is no loafer. 
It`s a singing artist. 
A song of our fields, 
and its embellishing asset. 

It sends golden notes from out of his beak. 
And from a bird`s gamut he pleats a melody… 

No matter 
whether you hold a grain, 
or…a stone at him aimed. 

Harvest fields 

Fields…harvest fields… 
All of them my eyes can`t reach… 

When Zephyr rippled the corn, 
with bluebottle`s colour bestrewn- 
a whiff of the sea to senses he brought. 

I saw Neptune, 
stabbing his trident into amber sheaves, 
and throwing them,with a flourish, into flames… 

of the sunset`s crimson feast. 

The end of summer    

Summer holiday is over. 
Time, little poet, to stand on your own feet. 
In the world, 
where you have a cloud overhead and- concrete beneath. 

Time to say goodbye to grandparents! 
To wave to them with a butterfly wing over meadows. And when the wind buffets you most, 
cover their frailty 

with your body`s overcoat. 

With poetry you can embellish life, 
and make the two worlds come to one. 
For when the sky is covered with autumnal clouds –
the blossoming flowers of childhood, among paving-stones, 
                                     will grow out. 
A farewell to grandparents   

I`ve said goodbye to granddad… 
They dwelled in my eyes. 
Not knowing if from the earth, 
or, from underneath a cloud they flew down? 

So flaxen blue. 

Granddad resembled a tall windmill, 
woven up of a spool of wheat`s spikes. 
Granny seemed small standing by 
and fragile as a daisy bunch. 

Behind them trailed their veil of time. 

I said to them: - Sleep serene, 
under this starry halo. 
We`ll meet next summer. 
This place. 
This field. 

And they smiled to me in a dream. 

(c)2021, Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone

Na stronie wykorzystano ilustracje Joanny Hrk z tomów wierszy 
Karoliny Kusek pt.: "Objęłam spojrzeniem świat dziecka" i "Dzieci Marsa"